Vertical gas scrubber for treatment of polluted air

The problem

At a customer that is a market leader in the aluminum industry, PCA Water installed an installation used during the cleaning of moulds. In one of the cleaning steps, the vapors released in the process tanks must be extracted for cleaning. PCA Air was called upon to treat this polluted air.

Our solution

PCA Air opted for a vertical gas scrubber. Gas scrubbers neutralize harmful components in air or waste gas streams. Due to intensive contact between an air stream and a liquid like water, certain gaseous components do dissolve in the water. The components present in the airflow mainly consisted of NaOH. This is a water-soluble substance, so a gas scrubber is an ideal solution for removing NaOH from this air stream. Given the large solubility, we opted for a solution with low pressure drop, consisting of two spraying zones and a droplet separator.

To ensure the airflow, two fans were provided, supplied by our sister company Almeco. That way, the supplied 5000 m³/h got cleaned before airflow expulsion. The water consumption was also kept to a minimum, through the use of a recirculation circuit.


  • 5000 m³/h
  • 2 spray zones
  • Water droplet separator
  • Temperature ± 40 °C


If you have a similar problem, don't hesitate to contact us!

Vertical gas scrubber for treatment of polluted air, PCA Air
Vertical gas scrubber for treatment of polluted air, PCA Air